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Project - A Rock Garden


Our latest little project. The chosen place is quite natural as it is there from the beginning. A part of a small "hill" or large rock appears beside our deck. On this rock there was since way back already a low stone wall used to keep cattle in the right field during forest grasing. Tha piece of wall must of course remain! So with this already existing, it was clear that this was to be the place for a rock graden although hidden under a carpet of wild grass. 


The other year the grass was removed and the surface became free to plan. A few of the black gold-glittering stones was added and a few old roots was left as elements of shape. More soil was added as preparation for what was to come. At the same time the part next to the left also needed some maintenance and the large stone earlier found in the litttle lawn was moved up just next to the edge of the rock. Things starts to gather.



Some of the remaining plants and a new dark red orpine was placed by the stone together with a japanese inspired sun cell light and a small bird bath to complete the picture. The birds love it. A small tree behind the stone is yet to come to avoid an otherwise quite sterile area with all these rocks, stones and the small stone wall.



The plants in front of and around the stone is phlox and houseleek as the start of the growth togwether with a sort of grass that was there from the beginning. The right size and type of tree will follow.


To the right of the stone we will have the rock garden with its newly plannes surface. The aim is for a quite traditional rock garden with small plants adn perhaps sand or gravel on top of the soil. Right now it is just soil as all planting is not done yet.



A closer look at the rock garden shows more clearly how it looks in 2011. The plants are still small but will grow. Right now we add slowly with more plants. The idea is to get a nice eye catcher towards the house and decking.


The plants so far are:

Dark Red Alum Root (Heuchera)




Violet (but I guesss the snails will eat them)

Wild Thyme




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