SDJ Fact Files - Street Lights
Street light is another of those details you see everyday and want to include on the layout, but how does it really look? Some internet surfing produced some good numbers collected and presented below for use on model railroad layouts.
Street Lighting
Street lighting is at least fairly interesting. How far between the lights? The answer is that normally they are positioned bweteen 25 to 35 m apart within housing areas which means 280 to 400 mm in H0 scale. Quite far apart really and would probably seem odd with only one or two lights were more are expected.
Therefore I will use the shorter distance and position the light in a "credible" manner. Credible meaning that the lights are placed where expected regrdless if the distances are completely correct or not.
Bild 1: Gatlykteplaceringen
All street lights are connected in parallell and connected to the layout control panel at the center. As in reailty the lights are divided into sections to fit the different areas on the layout. On wider roads in cities, the lights are hanging from cables and even with more than one light on the same cable.
Depending on how much light is expected and where it must be, the light will be positioned on poles with different heights.
Bild 2: Stolphöjder
Generally speaking teh street light should be placed in a way that it does not interfere with vehicles. Therefore 4 to 6 m height is enough for walking and biking paths. For ordinary street roads the space requiremnent is larger and also to give a wider light pattern, the lights are 6 to 8 m high. For even larger roads the height must be 8 to 10 meters.
Hanging lights is generally and commonly placed at 7 to 9 meters.
Links to more information
The below links to more information.
Trafikverket - more about street lighting in Sweden.